Monday, June 22, 2009

"It Has Become Appallingly Obvious That Our Technology Has Exceeded Our Humanity" - Albert Einstein

If you've started with the voice twittering, verbalising online abbreviations, or telling your friends you'll catch up with them later on Facebook, then we have a problem.

It seems we are almost becoming socio-phobes and feel more comfortable conducting our socialising online...a bit sad and scary isn't it.

Far be it for me to critisise the social networking sites - I do use them - but don't let it consume my life as much as it bloody well tries to. I'm sure anyone with a Facebook or twitter account however will admit that it can be hard to give the twitts and status swinging a miss for more than a few days. We like to let people know what's going on in our lives, let's face it...we're show offs and nosy beings:

Jane Twitt: is livin' it up in Tahiti / is eating expensive imported chocolate with 90% cocoa hand made by Belgian monks / is waiting for the limo to arrive while watching her money mote being cleaned.
There is even the presence of websites dedicated to sharing status updates should you so choose to use them...crazy!

Then there is the new set of manners that surrounds facebooking/myspacing/twittering...which in my opinion borders on ridiculousness at times. Here are some that I have been informed about:

- Don't ignore friend requests (but are we supposed to add people we really don't know or haven't seem since grade 2?)
- Don't ignore messages
- Don't post photos/messges that not everyone is supposed to see
- Don't talk about work/boss/colleagues
- Don't, for heavens sake, log on when you are supposed to be home sick

And my own personal 'don't' - don't spend your life online, log off, walk outside and breath some fresh air...I will do the same now :p

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